Digital Disconnections

Resistance and Revolt from Yesterday to Today If you were to take someone from the early nineteenth century and drop them into our present Western society, the most dramatic shock for them would likely be to see the incredible advancements in technology surrounding...

Depth in Digital Entertainment

How Anti-Social Technology Sometimes Wins Us Over We often look at technology, but we don’t always see it. Today, as new ways of viewing and interacting with images proliferate through our society, the most visible new technologies are showing up in the popular use of...

Science, Nature, and Humanity

A long time ago humans (some of them) discovered science. Or depending on your point of view, they created it. The way they did this was by, for the first time, separating culture from nature…

It’s not technology’s fault

Our society’s problem isn’t technology. It’s that we’re using technology to do the wrong things, better. To consume and create profits. To focus on ourselves through individualism and narcissistic attention. For entertainment and distraction. To put less effort...

Technology without Progress is not Technology

What is the job of technology? What responsibilities do technologies have to live up to for us to adopt them and keep them? There are the functions that technologies offer, the dependable interactions we ask of them. But technology must also do more. It must fit into our lives. It must comfort us and maintain a relationship of trust with us. Technology needs to represent progress; advancement from a time when that technology was not available.

Rube Goldberg did not envision examples of techn…